Next BarcampSG
The next Barcamp will be in October or November 2024. Interested in joining? Email us at
The Last BarcampSG Event
The last Barcamp Singapore (BarcampSG) was held on October 14, 2023. We extend our gratitude to the GeekCampSG community for providing us with the venue. The event featured engaging discussions on a variety of topics including poetry, neuroplasticity, gender issues, living a creative life, travel, and many other fascinating subjects.
What is a Barcamp and Who are the Attendees?
A Barcamp is an informal meetup where people come together to learn from each other through discussions and collaborations. Topics can range from design, books, science, and movies to space exploration, health, food, technology's impact on society, travel, and more. Participants can propose their own topics for discussion, and the group will vote on which ones to explore.
How Does One Vote for a Topic or Post a Discussion Topic?
When you enter the venue, you'll see a topic wall. Participants interested in presenting or leading a discussion will post their topics on the wall. To vote for a topic you like, simply use a marker pen to mark it. If you want to lead a discussion or make a presentation, write your topic and name on a blank post-it and post it on the topic wall. Attendees will walk around, check out the topics, and vote for the ones they find interesting. Once your topic has a few votes, it will be assigned a room and time slot. We have multiple rooms for parallel sessions, and participants are free to leave one discussion and join another.
What is the Format of Discussions? How Long is Each Discussion Slot?
Each discussion slot lasts 25 minutes, with a 5-minute gap between sessions to allow the next topic leader to set up. While slides are discouraged, some rooms may have projectors if needed.
Past Barcamps
We are grateful to our hosts for recognising the value of community learning and opening up their venues to us.
- Ngee Ann Polytechnic was our host in 2008.
- Singapore Polytechnic was our host in early 2010.
- The Singapore City Hall building was the venue (via the National Art Gallery) for the BarCamp in October 2010.
- The Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA), NUS, and Singtel hosted us at their Blk 71 incubation centre in 2011.
- NUS UTown hosted us in 2012.
- Singapore’s Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) hosted us in 2014 and 2009.
- NUS Enterprise hosted us in 2015.
- The National Art Gallery hosted us in 2016.
- The National Library Board hosted us in 2017.
- GeekCampSG and SP Digital hosted us in 2022.
- GeekCampSG hosted us in 2023 at WeWork Singapore.
Some photos from older Barcamps are on Flickr.
Barcamps in Other Cities
Bangkok, Phnom Penh, Saigon, and Kuala Lumpur (CyberJaya) also run lively Barcamps. Hong Kong and Yangon used to have popular Barcamps, but alas.
Contact us
If you have any questions or want to join the next Barcamp, email us at We do not spam or send any commercial emails.